Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Orchard in Bloom

Viviano pretends to eat a pink peach blossom.
The orchard is now blooming with white and pink blossoms from the peach and plum trees.  Come out and visit to take a walk soon, while the blossoms are still out.  Next to bloom should be cherry, Asian pear and apple trees, but since there are less of those in the orchard, the blossoming is not as dramatic.  Persimmon trees bloom after that with hard to see tiny yellowish-green flowers.

Tree planting and pruning are finished now, so we've been doing other work before the busy season begins.  We're starting to prepare the vegetable gardens for next month's planting.  Tosh and others have had time to work on remodeling the fruit stand building to finish up the hoshigaki drying room and to improve access to the public restroom. 

At the fruit stand we have navel and blood oranges, grapefruit, Eureka lemons, local honey, eggs and hoshigaki (hand-dried persimmon).  You can also still order hoshigaki through mail order if you follow the link to the order form here on our web page.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Local Meat, Eggs & Honey

"Blue", the Blue Orpington rooster.
The next delivery date for the Sierra Foothills Meat Buyers Club is Friday, March  25th from 3:30-5:00.  Through the Meat Buyers Club you can order locally raised, hormone-free meat, eggs and honey online, then pick it up your order at the orchard.  There are other delivery sites in Placer County, too, if the orchard isn't convenient.  To order for the March 25th delivery,  your order must be sent in before 5:00 PM on Monday, March 21st.

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