Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ripe Pears and Peaches

The tractor between two rows of Asian pear trees.
Right now we have many ripe Bartlett and Asian pears, so we're having a buy 5 get one free sale at the fruit stand. Although we are transitioning into more fall fruit like pears and apples, we still have peaches and many kinds of tomatoes.  There are sweet figs ripening and being picked each day, both black mission and brown turkey varieties.

Along with honey from bees at the orchard, we now have bee pollen and propolis for sale.  Jam locally made with our fruit from The Good Stuff is for sale at the fruit stand, too.

Here's what's at the fruit stand now:

  • Peaches--O'Henry, Rio Oso (yellow freestone varieties),Phillips (yellow cling)
  • Plums--Casselman, Kelsey, Elephant Heart, Nodahara September Duarte
  • Asian Pear--Shinko, Yoi, Niitaka, Niijiseki (20th Century), Shinseki (New Century)
  • European Pear--Bartlett
  • Figs--Black Mission and Brown Turkey
  • Grapes--Thompson Seedless
  • Apples--Golden Delicious
  • Tomatoes--various sizes of red tomatoes; heirloom pink and yellow tomatoes; cherry tomatoes (isis cherry, sungold,black cherry, yellow pear, snow white); salad tomatoes (red,indigo rose,pink ping pong)
  • Vegetables--Summer squash, eggplant, sweet peppers, green bell peppers, garlic
  • Herbs--Basil, oregano, mint (cut if you ask)
  • Honey--from bees at our orchard, propolis and pollen,too
  • Beeswax candles--handmade 100% beeswax from the orchard
  • Jam--made with fruit from our orchard by The Good Stuff
  • Eggs--from local free-range chickens
  • The Art of Real Food Cookbook--by Joanne Neft and Laura Kenney

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