Where is the rain, you know, the wet stuff? The coming season of produce really needs rain. Not just rain but a snow pack up in the mountains would be a nice way to start the irrigation season. We would like to wait another month before starting to irrigate but mother nature has to helps us out.
The Orchard is just starting to come alive. Plum trees are in full bloom. Their branches are full of snow white blossoms. Soon they will be followed by the pink blossoms of peach apricot and nectarine. It is a nice time of year to view the blossoms if you want to go for a walk in the orchard.
Out in the orchard the stone fruit and pome fruit trees have been pruned and much of the prunings have been chopped up to return to the soil. The persimmon pruning is still in the process. With the warm weather the orchard floor is greening up. It looks beautiful but we know there are many competitive weeds in the mix. Vetch is a mixed blessing. While it is often recommended to fix nitrogen in the soil, it loves to grow up the trunk and into the branches. We have to watch it carefully so we can get just the right benefit before it chokes the tree. It is the time of year to think about grafting and planting new trees. No new trees are going in this year. We are looking at old trees and trees with suckers and trees that are not producing. Some of these will be prepared for grafting. Usually we graft varieties that can no longer be found in the nursery. By grafting these varieties can be preserved.
We are cleaning up our vegetable gardens and starting to add mulch. The first tray of tomato seeds is starting to germinate in the hot house. I see 43 tiny tomato plants pushing their way out of the soil and spreading their leaves. We will keep planting more seeds for the next couple weeks. As the weather warms we will start eggplant and pepper plants.
SUNDAY 11:00 TO 5:00
Since we are often at the farm anyway, you may call us to arrange for other times.
Farm Stand: (916) 791-1656
Mobile phone: (916) 300-0720
Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard:
Brown Asian Pears: Okusankichi. These pears are mildly sweet, juicy, and crisp. They are good keepers.
Blood Oranges: limited supply
Yellow grapefruit
Eureka lemons 🍋
Tender and moist dried persimmons with naturally formed dusting of
fruit sugars on the surface. These were hand massaged and dried slowly
for 4 to 8 weeks. (limited supply)
Honey 🍯 from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard. Bee pollen from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard
⚘ Calendula Salve and Lip Balm
Here is what we have from other producers:
Stoney Point Orchard in Loomis is an organic certified orchard. They are bringing us Pink grapefruit and Limequats.
Lupi Farm in Granite Bay: No spray Meyer Lemons, 🍋 known for flavor and fragrance. These lemons are less tart than regular lemons, with floral fragrance and bright taste. Great for adding to your water or tea. Can also be used in salad dressings and sauces.
Top O' the Hill Apiary in Granite Bay: Honey🍯. Top of the Hill Apiary also has bees wax 🐝.
Jams 🍑 from the Good Stuff. We currently have Plum, and Quince Marmalade.