Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fay Elberta peaches & First Asian Pears

At the fruit stand we now have Fay Elberta peaches and some of the first early varieties of Asian pears. There are now lots of tomatoes in various sizes coming in from the gardens, too. 

Here's what's at the fruit stand now: 

  • Peaches--49'er, Fay Elberta (yellow freestone varieties); Bowen (yellow cling);  Elegant Lady, Babcock, Silver Logan (white freestone varieties)  
  • Plums--Kelsey, Elephant Heart, Mariposa, Santa Rosa, Black Amber, Friar, Laroda, Eldorado, Burgandy, Frontier
  • Pluots--Dapple Dandy, Flavor Queen, Flavor King
  • Vegetables--Tomatoes (regular, cherry, salad, heirlooms), Zucchini, Summer Squash, Cucumber, Beans, Shallots
  • Herbs--Oregano, Mint, Basil (cut if you ask)  
  • Honey--from bees at our orchard, propolis and bee pollen
  • Free Range Chicken eggs
  • Beeswax candles--handmade 100% beeswax

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Suncrest Peaches and Pluots

We now have three kinds of pluots at our fruit stand.  We have red-speckled Dapple Dandy, yellow and sweet Flavor Queen, and very flavorful Flavor King pluots.  We also have lots of Suncrest and Delight  large yellow peachesSuncrest is a  juicy red-streaked heirloom peach that is difficult to find. Although they are very delicious, Suncrest ripen quickly and are fragile.  

Saving Suncrest peaches and his family farm is the subject of the David Mas Masumoto's book,  Epitaph for a Peach--Four Seasons on My Family Farm.  David Masumoto has written a lot of other good books related to his farm and his family history that are worth reading, too. His latest is a peach cookbook called The Perfect Peach:  Recipes and Stories from the Masumoto Family Farm.
Here's what's at the fruit stand now:  

  • Peaches--Suncrest, Gene Elberta, Delight (all yellow freestone varieties); White Lady,  Babcock, Silver Logan, Nectar, Sugar Lady, (white freestone varieties)  
  • Plums--Santa Rosa, Black Amber, Laroda, Eldorado, Kelsey, Satsuma, Frontier, Elephant Heart, Mariposa,  Late Duarte
  • Pluots--Dapple Dandy, Flavor Queen, Flavor King
  • Vegetables-- Zucchini, Summer Squash, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Cucumber 
  • Herbs--Oregano, Mint, Basil (cut from the garden if you ask) 
  • Honey--from bees at our orchard 
  • Free Range Chicken eggs
  • Beeswax candles--handmade 100% beeswax

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