Wednesday, April 15, 2020


          The 20 ume (Japanese sour plum) trees that we planted 5 years ago have decided to put on a nice crop this year.  If you are interested in purchasing any this year please email us at:   
       Looks like the farm stand will be closed for at least another 4 weeks.  Although the farm stand is closed we are busy working every day.
            In the past 2 weeks we have been removing vetch (aggressive vining legume) under trees, cutting and stacking firewood, spreading decomposed horse manure, chopping brush and mowing grass, transplanting tomato plant starts to 4" pots, grafting trees, pruning kiwi, repairing the manure spreader, repairing the manure spreader, and repairing the manure spreader.  Removing frost damaged ume from trees, installing plywood flooring 
          in the cool room, inventorying trees removed, planted and grafted, checking irrigation, making beds in the vegetable gardens, re-pruning the grapes and putting down weed block cloth.  Now we are starting to thin our summer crops.
       As long as the weather stays cool you can order mail order hoshigaki using this link to the order form. 
       Stay safe and be well.

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