Trees are busy making fruit for our next season. It all seems to start with flowers. Meanwhile, there is less to offer in the farm stand. I call this time of year our Slow Season. Please note that hours are reduced till the end of May. Friday, Saturday and Sunday hours are the same as always. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday hours are reduced to 2 hours in the middle of the day 11:30 to 1:30. Outside of these hours, you are welcome to call me at (916) 300-0720 to ask if I can meet you. You will have to leave a message if your number is not already identified in my phone. We are often at the farm somewhere, just not in the farm stand.
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 11:30 to 1:30
Fri, and Sat: 10:00 to 6:00
Sunday: 11:00 to 5:00
Closed on Mondays
Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard
Yellow Grapefruit: Sweet tart and a bit bitter. Very tasty.
Navel Oranges: Sweet and Juicy.
Hachya : Frozen persimmon pulp.Kiwi: Fuzzy brown skin over green flesh speckled with black seeds.
⚘ Calendula Salve and Lip Balm: Wonderfully thick salve for healing dry skin, bug bites and scrapes.
English Walnuts: Shelled for you.
Here is what we have from other producers:
Kijani Farmin Granite Bay, organic practices:
Kabocha, Japanese
winter squash (pumpkin).
Lupi Farm in Granite Bay, no spray: Meyer Lemons: Tasty and flavorful lemons, low in acid.
Pleasant Hill Farm in Newcastle, no spray:
Navel oranges: Sweet and juicy with great flavor.
Stoney Point Orchard in Loomis, Certified Organic:
Ruby Red Grapefruit: Sweet-tart and juicy with pink flesh. Great flavor.
Mihara Farm, Newcastle, CA, conventional farm:
Kiwi: Sweet-tart fruit with deep green flesh.
La Bella Vito Farm in Loomis is bringing us fresh🥚 eggs from pastured 🐔🐔chickens. Limited supply.