Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2013 Mail Order Form

The new 2013 Mail Order Form is now posted here on the website, under the "Hoshigaki/Persimmons" tab.  If you'd like to mail order hoshigaki (Japanese hand-dried persimmon) this year, please print out the order form and mail it back to us with your check.

In the photo you can see Chris moving a stick of freshly peeled persimmons to a new spot on one of the drying racks.  We started peeling the first hachiya persimmons for hoshigaki at the very end of September. The hachiyas need to be fully orange, but still hard to be able to peel in order to start the drying process.  After peeling, each fruit takes around six weeks to dry, depending on the weather.  The peeled fruits are hung by their stems in pairs and massaged every few days to help them to dry evenly.  By the end of the drying process, each persimmon has developed a dusting of natural powdered sugar on its surface, and is soft and sweet.

Because of these natural processes and weather variables, orders may take 8 to 10 weeks to ship.  It's important to get your order in as soon as possible, because supplies are limited to what we can produce while the weather permits.

We also have other varieties of fresh persimmon, Asian pears, quince and mandarins for sale through mail order.  We ship the fresh fruit boxes when they're available and in season.  This year we have only one size fruit box  rather than small and large sizes due to increased shipping costs. 

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