Thursday, February 23, 2023


At this time of year most of our trees are empty. No fruit and no leaves.  The trees are being pruned and we are busy cleaning up the orchard branches as well as cleaning up trees damaged in the recent storms.  Days are getting longer.  If you go for a walk in the orchard you will see Japanese apricots have finished their bloom and we see some very small fruit on the branches. Apricots are starting to bloom. Next will be the white pluot and plum blossoms.  In March we expect pink peach and nectarine blossoms.

We have started to plant vegetable seeds in trays in the hot house.  Little tomato and eggplants will soon be germinating.  These will go into our summer gardens. Outside we are cleaning up last year's gardens and adding mulch to our vegetable beds. We usually wait till March and April to actually put plants and seeds into the ground.  There is always the possibility of more freezing temperatures.

Hoshigaki is still available at the farm stand and through mail order.  For mail orders  please click on mail order form here

A bit of proud grandparent news.  February 13 we welcomed into the world a little boy named Zachary.   He doesn't know it yet but he may grow up to be a farmer.

The Farm Stand is now on modified winter hours.  Short hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Regular hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.    Please call to arrange for other options (916) 300-0720.

HEADS UP:  There is a sign at Eureka and Barton Road.  "CLOSED FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. 2/13 TO 4/28".  I believe it is a water project.  At the present time you are allowed to get to our driveway from Auburn Folsom Road onto Eureka.  Just tell the person directing traffic that you are going to the farm.



TUES, WED, TH:   11:30 TO 1:30

        FRI, SAT:        10:0 TO 6:00

               SUN:        11:00 TO 5:00



 Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard:

These are whole dried persimmons.  They were hand massages while they dried over a period of four to 8 weeks. Some are firm, others are soft and moist.  All are coated with naturally formed white persimmon sugar.  No sugar added and no preservatives used.  You may purchase these at our farm stand or order them using our  mail order form .

Satsuma Mandarins:  Easy to peel, sweet and juicy.  Very few seeds this year. 

Kiwi:  Fuzzy brown fruit with green interior and strawberry like flavor.  At this time they are firm and tart.

Navel Oranges:  Popular sweet, juicy and flavorful oranges.

Yellow Grapefruit:   Flavorful and juicy.  Sweet tart with a wonderfully bitter background.

Honey 🍯 from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard. Bee pollen from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard.

⚘ Calendula  Salve and Lip Balm 

Most bee boxes  are helping to pollinate almond orchards in the valley.
Walnuts:  English (limited supply)

Dehydrated mandarins.



Here is what we have from other producers:

Top O' the Hill Apiary in Granite Bay: Honey🍯. Top of the Hill Apiary also has bees wax 🐝.

La Bella Vito Farm in Loomis will bring us fresh🥚 eggs from pastured 🐔🐔chickens when the chickens start to produce again. (Please call ahead.)

Pleasant Hill Farm in Newcastle (no spray):  Cara Cara oranges and Navel oranges

Mihara Farm in Newcastle:  Satsuma mandarins are sweet and easy to peel.

Lupi Farm in Granite Bay (no spray): Meyer Lemons: These are fragrant and tasty lemons.  They are a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange.   They are favored because they are lower in acidity and  sweeter than the regular lemon.

Kijani Farm in Granite Bay  (organic practices):  Butternut squash.

Pruned pear tree.

Swollen buds ready to blossom.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


We are currently selling Hoshigaki, Oranges, Mandarins, Lemons, Kiwi, Honey, Salve, and Lip Balm.  See descriptions in previous entry. 

We have modified Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday hours until more product is available in May. We maintain regular hours on Fri, Sat, and Sunday.



TUES, WED, TH:   11:30 TO 1:30

        FRI, SAT:        10:0 TO 6:00

               SUN:        11:00 TO 5:00


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