Blossom season is about over and we are seeing little leaves starting to open up. We had a lot of rain for an extended amount of time. Fruit set may have been affected. Leaf curl on peaches will definitely be bad as will fire blight on pears. Between rains we are now starting to graft trees. With all the rain, hail, wind and cold mornings we are not likely to have many good looking ume. All said, we are still thankful for the rain. The trees are alive and they will not survive this summer without water.
The hot house is full of young tomato plants. They are growing but they have missed the sun. And when we took them out to enjoy a day of sun they we too tender. Looks like we burned a few. I'm hoping they are resilient.
Hoshigaki is still available at the farm stand and through mail order. For mail orders please click on mail order form here.mail order form
For months we had no eggs. Now the chickens are producing. Their production is ramping up. Our eggs are coming from a farm in Loomis, CA, 5 miles away. They are fed no soy, no GMO and spend the day in a pasture eating bugs and grass. If you are interested in farm eggs now is the time to get them since we have so few produce customers. In the summertime the demand for them is often much higher than the supply.
The Farm Stand is now on modified winter hours. Short hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Regular hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Please call to arrange for other options (916) 300-0720.
UP: There is a sign at Eureka and Barton Road. "CLOSED FOR ROAD
CONSTRUCTION. 2/13 TO 4/28". I believe it is a water project. At the
present time you are allowed to get to our driveway from Barton Road onto Eureka. Just tell the person directing traffic that you are
going to the farm.
TUES, WED, TH: 11:30 TO 1:30
FRI, SAT: 10:0 TO 6:00SUN: 11:00 TO 5:00
Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard:
Hoshigaki: These are whole dried persimmons. They were hand massages while they dried over a period of four to 8 weeks. Some are firm, others are soft and moist. All are coated with naturally formed white persimmon sugar. No sugar added and no preservatives used. You may purchase these at our farm stand or order them using our mail order form..Yellow Grapefruit: Flavorful and juicy. Sweet tart with a wonderfully bitter background.
Eureka Lemons: These are the tart lemons. Great for lemonade or Lemon Meringue Pie.
Honey 🍯 from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard.
Bee pollen from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard.
⚘ Calendula Salve and Lip Balm
Walnuts: English (limited supply)Dehydrated mandarins, oranges and lemons
Here is what we have from other producers:
Top O' the Hill Apiary in Granite Bay: Honey🍯. Top of the Hill Apiary also has bees wax 🐝.
La Bella Vito Farm in Loomis is bringing us fresh🥚 eggs from pastured 🐔🐔chickens.
Lupi Farm