On our farm it is a time of renewal. Most trees are bare so we can see an unobstructed view of the orchard. This view will change as the trees put on leaves. But for now we see the rolling hills of our foothill orchard and the bare branch structures of our trees. They are waiting for life to return to their limbs. A few trees have started to bloom. I wonder if we got enough chill hours (Temperatures below 45 degrees F.) this winter to push a robust growth. A delayed and erratic bloom season is one of the responses to the warmer climate we are experiencing. We like it, but it is confusing to the trees which then can't react in their normal ways.
We are having a Hoshigaki Valentine Special. For customers coming to the farm, we are offering discounts ranging from $1 to $6 per pound. The greatest savings are for those who purchase 5 pounds or more. Special sale will end February 15, 2024.
(I know it will be confusing. The above offer is for hoshigaki picked up at the farm. The offer described below is for orders sent in the mail.)
We are offering a VALENTINE SPECIAL at this time, good for hoshigaki mail orders received between Jan. 22 to Feb. 15, 2024.
Buy 3 pounds at $60 per pound and receive one pound free.
Total order must be sent to a single address.
Use the second page of the order form with the description "Valentine Special 2024" $180.
Each "VALENTINE SPECIAL" must be sent to only one address. Please call or email if you need clarification. otoworchard@yahoo.com or (916) 791-1656.We are now moving onto citrus season. With the cold weather citrus fruits can add to your intake of vitamin C. We have mandarins, oranges, grapefruit, lemons and yuzu.
Tues through Sat 10:00 am to 6 pm
Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard
Fuji: Known for being sweet juicy and always crisp.
Yellow Grapefruit: Sweet tart and a bit bitter. Very tasty.
Navel Oranges: Sweet and Juicy.
Blood Oranges: Sweet and juicy with dramatic red flesh. Good for fresh eating, juice, marmalade, or adding to salads or drinks.
Satsuma Mandarins: Sweet, juicy, and easy to peel. Very popular this time of year. Great flavor and an easy healthy snack. Can be added to desserts, salads, and drinks. Zest can be used to flavor sauces and marinades.
Clementine Mandarins: Sweet and juicy. Easy to peel with delicte membrane. They are more mild than oranges and make an easy healthy snack. Can be added to salads and desserts.
Okusankichi: Large winter Asian pear. It is a good keeper. It is sweet with a hint of tartness. Juicy and crisp. Limited supply.
Hachiya: Tall acorn-shaped persimmon. It is astringent until soft and jelly-like. It becomes very sweet soft and delicate. Fresh eating right out of its skin or often used for baking cookies and pudding. Used for making hoshigaki.
Honey π― from bees π at Otow Orchard. Bee pollen from bees π at Otow Orchard.⚘ Calendula Salve and Lip Balm: Wonderfully thick salve for healing dry skin, bug bites and scrapes.
English Walnuts: In the shell. You have to crack them.
Here is what we have from other producers:
Mihara Farm in Newcastle, CA, Conventional practices. Satsuma mandarins. Sweet, juicy.
in Granite Bay, organic practices:
Kabocha, Japanese winter squash (pumpkin). Butternut winter squash
Stoney Point Farm, Organic certified, Loomis, CA:
Oro Blanco Grapefruit: Easy to peel white grapefruit. White flesh that is sweet or sweet-tart. Skin is greenish to yellow.
Yuzu: Aromatic citrus fruit like a mandarin or lemon with uneven skin. Valued for its fragrant zest (skin) and tart juice. Much like lemon, yuzu is used to flavor sauces, dishes, teas and drinks. Supply is limited.