Friday, May 31, 2024


Beginning Friday May 31, 2024 we  will go back to our regular hours:

 Tuesdays through Saturday:   10:00 am to 6:00 pm

                            Sundays :  11:00 am to 5:00 pm

                            Closed on Mondays 


We are starting off the summer season with apricots, plums and peaches.  Spring Rose is an early season white peach. For unknown reasons three varieties of apricots are ripening at the same time.  We have Robada, Royal Rosa, and Royal Blenheim.  Loquats are also in season.

We are continuing to thin our fruit trees.  Many have a heavy crop that needs to be thinned out and blemishes removed.  If we don't do this we will have tasty but small fruit. 

The gardens are starting to fill in. I am battling bind weed and an unknown insect that likes to eat tender baby cucumber and bean plants.  Weeding is a daily chore.  We have covered several rows of vegetables with Agribon to protect them.  Summer squash has not had these problems and are now producing. 

 This year, the ume season was fast and furious. Suddenly it was ready to pick. Not just one variety, but all of them.  A few people were able to get enough to make their annual supply of umeboshi, umeshu, ume syrup, and ume vinegar. I will start taking orders for next years crop in April 2025.

 We continue to have a supply of hoshigaki (Japanese dried persimmons) in the freezer.  These are sweet and tender with traditional persimmon flavor.  They are coated  with hoshigaki sugar.  A sweet treat.  They are available at the farm stand and through mail order.  For mail order, please use our 2023 mail order form.


Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

            Sunday: 11:00 to 5:00

Closed on Mondays

Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard

Peaches:  Spring Rose: Early season white peach. Not as flavorful as later varieties. Still delicate, sweet and juicy.

Hoshigaki:  These are whole dried persimmons.  They were hand massaged while they dried over a period of four to eight weeks.  Some are firm, others are soft and moist.  All are coated with naturally formed white persimmon sugar.  No sugar added and no preservatives used. We strive to make the best hoshigaki without any shortcuts.  This takes time and attention during the drying season. The hoshigaki is available in the farm stand. You may drop in for on farm pick up.  Contact us for large on-farm pick-up orders. (916) 791-1656 or email at 
For mail orders please use our mail order form  for the 2023 season.

Valencia Oranges:  These oranges have thin skin and high juice content. Used for  juicing or fresh eating.  Slice them in half and cut them into smiles.😋

Persimmon:  Frozen Hachiya persimmon pulp.

Plums:  Red Beaut plums:  These early season yellow fleshed plums are sweet and juicy.

Apricots:   Royal Rosa:  early apricot.  Sweet, mild apricot with good flavor. 

    Royal Blenheim:  Well known variety with balance of sweetness and tartness and great flavor. Best if enjoyed with a green blush. 

    Robada:  Large orange apricot with red blush. Apricot fragrance and flavor.

Loquat:  Small but sweet and juicy with a citrus background. (Limited Supply)

Summer Squash:  Green and yellow zucchini. Very fresh and easy to cook.

Local Honey 🍯 from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard. Bee pollen from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard.

⚘ Calendula  Salve and Lip Balm:  Wonderfully thick salve for healing dry skin, bug bites and scrapes.

Here is what we have from other producers:

Stoney Point Orchard in Loomis, Certified Organic:

Ruby Red Grapefruit:  Sweet-tart and juicy with pink flesh. Great flavor.

Valencia Oranges:  very juicy and sweet. Great for juicing or slicing.

La Bella Vito Farm in Loomis is bringing us fresh🥚 eggs from pastured 🐔🐔chickens.  Limited supply.


Monday, May 20, 2024


Thank you to so many new and regular customers for checking in on us during our slow season, February through May.  Offerings have been scant for a few months but it looks like we will have a plentiful supply of summer fruits.  The season will be starting with mulberries and ume by the end of May.  Apricots, loquat, peaches and plums will start in June.  Meanwhile we are still selling grapefruit, lemons, Valencia oranges and kiwi.

During this slow season we have been preparing summer vegetable gardens.  I am battling gophers and bind weed.  Hope to get a handle on this soon.  We are planting tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, eggplant, peppers and okra.  All are starting to fill in the garden spaces. 

Now that new trees are in the ground our attention turns back to our existing trees.  With a heavy fruit set, we are busy every day thinning out the crop to increase size and remove blemished fruit.  We are happy with water we received during the rain season.  The trees look like they are taking a big refreshing gulp of water. The weeds are also growing like weeds. Unfortunately our mower is feeling its age.  One thing gets fixed and then another part needs replacing.  And so it goes.

 We continue to have a supply of hoshigaki (Japanese dried persimmons) in the freezer.  These are sweet and tender with traditional persimmon flavor.  They are coated  with hoshigaki sugar.  A sweet treat.  They are available at the farm stand and through mail order.  For mail order, please use our mail order form.

At this point it looks like the ume (Japanese plum) have dodged hail and freezing temperatures.  The crop looks good but as always, still some blemishes.  Please email at: or call us at (916) 791-1656 if you are interested in purchasing ume.  Harvest will begin in mid May and finish by mid June.

      Just a reminder,  at this time of year our hours are limited. Please take note. Outside of these hours, you are welcome to call me at (916) 300-0720 to ask if I can meet you.  You will have to leave a message if your number is not already identified in my phone.  We are often at the farm somewhere, just not in the farm stand.


Tues, Wed, Thurs:     11:30  to  1:30

Fri, and Sat:       10:00  to  6:00

Sunday:      11:00 to 5:00

Closed on Mondays

Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard

Hoshigaki:  These are whole dried persimmons.  They were hand massaged while they dried over a period of four to eight weeks.  Some are firm, others are soft and moist.  All are coated with naturally formed white persimmon sugar.  No sugar added and no preservatives used. We began peeling persimmons in October.  We peeled the last persimmons at the beginning of December. The hoshigaki is available in the farm stand. You may drop in for on farm pick up.  Contact us for large on-farm pick-up orders. (916) 791-1656 or email at 
For mail orders please use our mail order form  for the 2023 season.

Valencia Oranges:  These oranges have thin skin and high juice content. Used for  juicing or fresh eating.

Persimmon:  Frozen Hachiya persimmon pulp.

Apricots:   Royal Rosa:  early apricot.  Mild apricot flavor, not as sweet as later varieties.  

Loquat:  Small but sweet and juicy with a citrus background.

Ume:   Often referred to as Japanese plums (They are more closely related to apricots.) Ume are sour and must be pickled to be enjoyed.

Honey 🍯 from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard. Bee pollen from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard.

⚘ Calendula  Salve and Lip Balm:  Wonderfully thick salve for healing dry skin, bug bites and scrapes.

Here is what we have from other producers:

Stoney Point Orchard in Loomis, Certified Organic:

Ruby Red Grapefruit:  Sweet-tart and juicy with pink flesh. Great flavor.

Valencia Oranges:  very juicy and sweet. Great for juicing or slicing.

La Bella Vito Farm in Loomis is bringing us fresh🥚 eggs from pastured 🐔🐔chickens.  Limited supply.

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