Saturday, May 27, 2023


 It has not happened for a few years.  The timing was just right.  We actually have a few cherries to offer some lucky customers.  Although we are delighted to have cherries from our orchard we recognize this as a bright beginning of a new summer season that will be less productive than usual.  Seems that all that rain we are so thankful for, did not allow the peaches, plums, apricots, or nectarines get a chance to pollinate.  Their production will be very limited this year. 😢

The gardens are mostly planted.  Tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, peppers and okra are starting to grow.  I am battling bugs in my cucumber, long bean, and okra rows.  I've had to reseed and try to get past the tender stage.  Meanwhile the weeds don't seem to have any trouble with bugs.  Weeding keeps me busy in addition to trying to trap a hungry gopher.  The tomato vines are quickly filling their cages and I am starting to harvest squash.

WoodRose Country Garden made their first delivery this week.  They offer lettuce, spinach, spring onions, fresh garlic, and several herbs.

We are about finished harvesting ume, Japanese sour plums.  There is one old tree with small fruit left to pick.  We are also getting ume from the neighbor.   Red shiso, often used in ume processing, is available as plants at the farm stand. 

WEEKDAY ROAD CONSTRUCTION:  The water line is being replaced on Eureka Road in front of the orchard.  Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, you may have to enter Eureka Road past the barricade at either Barton Road or Auburn Folsom Road depending on where the crew is working on that day.   Please drive carefully.

Please note that we have now returned to regular season hours:


Tues through Sat  10:00 am to 6 pm 

Sunday  11:00am to 5:00 pm


Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard

Hoshigaki:  These are whole dried persimmons.  They were hand massaged while they dried over a period of four to eight weeks.  Some are firm, others are soft and moist.  All are coated with naturally formed white persimmon sugar.  No sugar added and no preservatives used.  They should be stored in the  freezer if not consumed within a day and definitely kept cool at all times.  You may purchase these at our farm stand or order them using our mail order form.

Cherries: Very limited supply. 

Peaches: Very limited supply. 

Valencia Oranges:   Juicy, sweet with some tartness.  These are juicing oranges and also good for eating fresh

Yellow Grapefruit:   Flavorful and juicy.  Sweet tart with a wonderfully bitter background.

Eureka Lemons:  These are the tart lemons.  Great for lemonade or Lemon Meringue Pie.

Honey 🍯 from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard. Bee pollen from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard.

⚘ Calendula  Salve and Lip Balm 

Dehydrated grapefruit and lemons

Summer Squash: zucchini and yellow squash

 Plants:  We have a few plants available.  Red tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, paste tomatoes, shiso, flowering quince and California Fuchsia.

Here is what we have from other producers:

WoodRose Country Garden  in Granite Bay, organic practices:  lettuce, spinach, spring onions, basil, Italian parsley, cilantro, rosemary, oregano, thyme and fresh garlic.

Top O' the Hill Apiary in Granite Bay: Honey🍯. Top of the Hill Apiary also has bees wax 🐝.

La Bella Vito Farm in Loomis is bringing us fresh🥚 eggs from pastured 🐔🐔chickens.

Stoney Point Orchard  in Loomis, certified organic: pink grapefruit.

Sunnyslope Farm in Granite Bay:  Japanese Ume plums:  These small very tart apricots are pickled for Japanese  cuisine.  They are commonly pickled in salt, sugar, honey, or alcohol.

Kijani Farm in Granite Bay, organic practices:  Red beets, Red Russian Kale.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


    Since there is not much variety to offer at this time, we are continuing slow season hours.

    Slowly, the plants in the hot house are leaving to get used to being outside day and night (hardening off).   We need to do this before planting them in the ground.  Most of the tomatoes are in the garden.  We have a few extra tomato plants that we are selling at the farm stand.  Peppers and eggplants may be available later.  With the warm weather we are now starting to direct seed cucumber, squash and beans in the ground.  While I patiently wait for the seeds to germinate, the weeds make sure I have enough to do.

     Apple and pears are about finished blooming.  Now citrus are blooming.  Visitors to the farm stand notice their fragrance fills the air.

    The grass in the orchard grew very quickly once we got a warm sunny week.  Tosh is busy going up and down the rows mowing the grass with the tractor.  This is a job he enjoys.

The Farm Stand is now on modified winter hours.  Short hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Regular hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.    Please call to arrange for other options (916) 300-0720.  We hope to go back to our regular hours by the end of May.  At that time, there may be some loquat and ume.  The vegetable farmer may even surprise us.

HEADS UP:  There is a sign at Eureka and Barton Road.  "CLOSED FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. 2/13 TO 4/28".  I believe it is a water project.  At the present time you are allowed to get to our driveway from Barton Road onto Eureka.  Just tell the person directing traffic that you are going to the farm.



TUES, WED, TH:   11:30 TO 1:30

        FRI, SAT:        10:0 TO 6:00

               SUN:        11:00 TO 5:00



 Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard:

HoshigakiThese are whole dried persimmons.  They were hand massages while they dried over a period of four to 8 weeks. Some are firm, others are soft and moist.  All are coated with naturally formed white persimmon sugar.  No sugar added and no preservatives used.  You may purchase these at our farm stand or order them using our mail order form..

Yellow Grapefruit:   Flavorful and juicy.  Sweet tart with a wonderfully bitter background.

Eureka Lemons:  These are the tart lemons.  Great for lemonade or Lemon Meringue Pie.

Honey 🍯 from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard. Bee pollen from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard.

⚘ Calendula  Salve and Lip Balm 

Dehydrated grapefruit and lemons











Here is what we have from other producers:

Top O' the Hill Apiary in Granite Bay: Honey🍯. Top of the Hill Apiary also has bees wax 🐝.

La Bella Vito Farm in Loomis is bringing us fresh🥚 eggs from pastured 🐔🐔chickens.

Lupi Farm in Granite Bay (no spray): Meyer Lemons: These are fragrant and tasty lemons.  They are a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange.   They are favored because they are lower in acidity and  sweeter than the regular lemon.

Stoney Point Orchard  in Loomis, certified organic: pink graprfruit and navel oranges.


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