Now is the time to plant bare root peach trees. We have selected old time, flavorful varieties that are sweet, and juicy. Our summertime customers keep asking for them after the trees are empty.
Springcrest: Yellow freestone peach. Early June harvest. Good flavor for an early season peach. Sweet. Self- fruitful.
Summerset: Yellow freestone peach. Mid-August, late season peach. Sweet, juicy, melting flesh. Self- fruitful.
Gene Elberta: Yellow freestone peach. Mid to late July. Great flavor, sweet and juicy. Self- fruitful.
O'Henry: Yellow freestone peach. Early August. Great flavor. Sweet, juicy, firm flesh. Self- fruitful.
Fay Elberta: Yellow freestone peach. Late July. Melting, sweet, juicy flesh. Great flavor. Self- fruitful.
Suncerest: Yellow freestone peach. Late July. Red and yellow flesh. Great flavor, sweet and juicy. Self- fruitful.
Regina: Yellow freestone peach. Late June. Sweet and juicy. Self- fruitful.
We are happy to give planting directions if needed.
Although our winter hours are limited, we have a good supply of seasonal fruit. It is still citrus season. We have mandarins, oranges, lemons, and grapefruit.
We are just about finished putting hoshigaki away in storage. There are a few more boxes to knead and sort. We are finding that many of these last of the season hoshigaki had a hard time drying. Some got hard too fast, others never seemed to dry. Some have less sugar than we expected. Many of these pieces will be cut into strips of hoshigaki for snack bags. They make a nice sweet treat. Gradually, we will be taking Hoshigaki out of storage to sell at the farm stand or through mail orders. Hoshigaki is available in the farm stand and through mail order. Please contact us for large on-farm pick up orders. For mail orders, please use our 2024 mail order form.
We are starting to prepare for our summer vegetable garden. We are excited that our tomato seeds successfully germinated. Now we must watch and water them carefully for the next month. Meanwhile we will be deciding where to plant them and start forming beds for the plants. When the soil warms up we will directly seed summer squash and cucumbers.
The orchard is starting to blossom. The workers are pruning peaches and plum trees between the rain storms. They will also be cleaning up the brush, cutting suckers, planting trees, and cleaning the weeds around the base of the young trees. Ume have finished blooming and we can see tiny fruit on some of the trees.
Please note, we will be closed on Sundays and Mondays till mid May. We are open Friday and Saturday and have abbreviated hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Sorry for the inconvenience. You are welcome to call me for special hours at (916) 300-0720, or (916) 791-1656.
Closed Sundays and Mondays.
Open Tues,Wed and Thurs only two hours 11:30 to 1:30
Open Fri and Sat: 10am to 6pm
Here is what we have at the Farm Stand from Otow Orchard.
Hoshigaki :
These are whole dried persimmons. They were hand massaged while they
dried over a period of four to eight weeks. Some are firm, others are
soft and moist. All are coated with naturally formed white persimmon
sugar. No sugar added and no preservatives used. We strive to make the
best hoshigaki without any shortcuts. This takes time and attention
during the drying season. Hoshigaki are now available in the farm
stand. Contact us for large on-farm
pick-up orders. (916) 791-1656 or email at For mail orders please use our mail order form.
Hachiya Pulp: Frozen
Hachiya persimmon pulp is available. Often used to make cookies,
puddings and breads. Many customers put it on yogurt and oatmeal or
add it to their smoothie.
Navel Oranges: fresh, sweet and juicy oranges.
Eureka Lemons: These are very tart lemons. Great for contrast in sweet and sour recipes like: lemonade, lemon meringue pie, sweet and sour pork, and lemon bars.
Kiwi: Brown fuzzy skin. Sweet, tart fruit. Green flesh with tiny black seeds. (Limited supply).
Yellow grapefruit: Sweet tart grapefruit with yellow flesh. This variety has great flavor.
Blood oranges: Sweet tart oranges that have deep red flesh.
Local Honey Honey 🍯 from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard. Bee pollen from bees 🐝 at Otow Orchard is also available.
⚘ Calendula Salve and Lip Balm: Wonderfully thick salve for healing dry skin, bug bites and scrapes.
Peach trees: These are bare root peach trees. They should be planted in the next few weeks. See list above.
Here is what we have from other producers:
Pleasant Hill Farm in Lincoln, no spray.
Navel Oranges: Sweet and juicy, orange fleshed oranges.
Stoney Point Orchard, Loomis, CA organic certified:
Tango mandarin: Sweet, tender mandarins. Thin tight skin.
Blood oranges: Sweet oranges with red flesh.
Meyer Lemons: These lemons have dark yellow skin and are less acidic than regular lemons. Known for their flavor and fragrance. Skin is thin and is often used for its fragrant zest.
La Bella Vito Farm in Loomis is bringing us fresh🥚 eggs from pastured 🐔🐔chickens. Limited supply.